Taking Stock…

Taking Stock…

Today I was in my closet, putting away laundry and decide to look at what I had hanging up. I moved things around and confirmed my belief I love a good hoodie. This got me thinking about a lot of things – funny how it works – when we are doing chores, when we...
It’s in the water

It’s in the water

It’s in the water. These four words took my breath away. She typed them after telling me that she, too, had been diagnosed with breast cancer. This can’t be happening, I thought. But it was. I took a deep breath and thought about my response. All the...
Feeling sorry for myself

Feeling sorry for myself

I’m sitting at the hair salon with a plastic bag on my head (pink hair requires upkeep) and I am feeling sorry for myself. I know it and I’m going to allow it for just a little longer. I know, however, that I’ll have to change it up. It’s not very often...
The desire to get going again!

The desire to get going again!

Day 2 of 2017 and it’s a holiday here in Canada. Although the break has been nice, I’m feeling done with “holidays”. I’m ready to jump back into it! I know that there are others like me out there itching to tackle the New Year. I call these folks me “Driven Crew”....
Being Ok With Where I Am

Being Ok With Where I Am

I have lost my words. I am not writing. I carry my journal around and it seems to mock me. I’m not blogging. The words have just stopped coming out. I don’t want to talk much unless it’s work-related. Work talk is hard-wired. With my friends, family, and those...
Are you happy or just comfortable?

Are you happy or just comfortable?

Are you happy or comfortable? There is a difference and this passage from Colin Whrite sums it up pretty well: “There’s a big difference between comfort and happiness: being happy means that you are overjoyed about what you’re doing, who you are, the people you’re...