

“Thank you.” This phrase is said so often that it has nearly lost all meaning. It’s just good manners. When I say to my two young boys “Say Thank You”, they do (because mother knows best!), yet they don’t really know why they’re saying it. It’s a hard concept for...

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Valentine’s day is almost here. For some of us, it’s a great day. For others, not so much. It may bring up feelings that you don’t look at all the time (you know, the ones you stuff deep down inside?). You might feel an extra push to find the love of your life. I have...

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Divorce with a difference

When you find yourself in the position to end your marriage, you have a lot of choices to make. You made the decision that it’s not working anymore; now what? If you have kids, they are a huge and important factor in your decision-making and next steps. Every divorce...

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You’re procrastinating for a reason.

I will do it later. I don’t have time right now. Sound familiar? These are common excuses we use when we don’t want to do something. This week there is a reoccurring theme with my coaching and it is procrastination. I’m guilty of this, too so I figured it’s time to...

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“Leadership” is a popular word these days. Personally, I see it all over the place. There are thousands of tips out there on how to be a “good leader”. But what is a good leader, anyway? It’s important to find a leadership style that is right for you. I have spent a...

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When you’re scared shitless

When you’re scared shitless, move forward. Have you ever wanted something so much yet you were too afraid to do it? Maybe it’s something risky and active like bungee jumping or skydiving, something vulnerable like telling someone you love them or that, perhaps, you...

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Weird Works…

We all have quirks. Maybe you collect nutcrackers or love to quote movie lines. Discover more freedom by learning to accept yourself and the idiosyncrasies that make you special. Benefits of Embracing your Quirky side. Live authentically. You beat to your own drum...

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“Make a change.” It sounds like a simple, totally doable statement. Yet for some it is one of the hardest things to do. You may thrive on change or you may hate it. Either way, one thing is for sure: Change will always be part of life. There are two types of change:...

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Find your passion

It’s not uncommon to feel in your heart and your head that you should be doing things you love, yet due to your obligations and the pressures of everyday life you choose an easier road or more direct road. The end result, unfortunately, is usually unhappiness. More...

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5 ways to love your work

I had many, many, many jobs before I truly found what I was meant to do. Many. MANY! All of these jobs were a means to an end. That said, if you get up every morning and dread going to work, then for goodness sakes WHY are you doing it?!? You are sure as hell NOT...

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