Stay Weird!

Stay Weird!

“You are weird.” “No, you are weird!” “No, you are weird!” Who hasn’t heard kids saying this? In my house, it is usually my boys and I. After this interaction, I look at them and say, “When you are my age you are considered eccentric.” Usually, they just giggle and...

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Learning to take the path of least resistance

Learning to take the path of least resistance

In the past, I have not taken the path of least resistance. I tend to be stubborn (ok, a major control freak!) and I don’t like to be told what to do. When an idea, system, process or even a decision was put before me, sometimes my contrary nature would come up and I...

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Are you waiting for a sign?

Are you waiting for a sign?

A bolt of lightning strikes you! OMG, it's a sign! I wish life worked this way. I wish I could tell you that you will receive a sign that will spur you on to whatever it is that you have been waiting to do. So many of us have an idea or a mission. It may be a cause we...

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Being grateful when things suck

Being grateful when things suck

With Thanksgiving here, it's a good time to talk about gratitude. It's easy to be grateful when life is going your way. But what happens when it seems like everything is going to shit, life is throwing everything it has at you, and you don't know which way is up?...

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What are you an expert in?

What are you an expert in?

Does having letters after your name make you an expert in something? In theory, yes. It means you have some sort of certification that allows you to be an expert. Take my nephew as an example. He has an M.Eng – a masters in engineering – and, if you ask him if he is...

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My hiatus is over

My hiatus is over

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back to work – this is after three weeks in Newfoundland and then three weeks recovering from my fifth surgery. Let me tell you, it feels so good to be back. Being in Newfoundland with my boys and family gave me a break I really...

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Taking a break

Taking a break

When do you really take a break? From work, business, life, kids – all that stuff. I know sometimes it is a challenge to make it happen. I am taking a break right now; I am visiting family in Newfoundland. I am working as little as possible and spending time with my...

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Failing is not a bad word!

Failing is not a bad word!

From an early age, we are taught that failure is something that shouldn’t happen. In school, we do everything we can do not to fail. Winning is celebrated in sports and awards are given out for the best grades. However, I have yet to see an award ceremony that...

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Emotional Triggers: What sets you off?

Emotional Triggers: What sets you off?

I’ve been giving it a lot of thought about what sets me off. My ex-to-be and I are doing divorce differently; for the most part, we get along though there are still times when he pisses me off. One of my big triggers is that he works around me. I think we have decided...

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Are you worth it?

Are you worth it?

Recently, I was asked this question in my business. My answer was yes. The tangible – I have testimonials – and cold hard numbers to back it up. In my business, I know my worth; it really comes down to time and money. I know what my time is worth and I know the...

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