
Unstick yourself

Are you stuck? You know the feeling: Like you’re caught in the trap of bad circumstances, bad decisions, constant failing, or—even worse—limbo. Have you fallen into a trap and given up? Is the glue in the trap holding fast? I know, it feels gross. I’ve been stuck...

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Stop waiting; start doing

"It feels dangerous to show up. But it's not as terrifying as thinking, at the end of our lives, 'What if I had shown up? What would have been different?'" Brené Brown This quote is with me most days. I think of it when I am waiting to start something new and when I’m...

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Business Women Who Rock: Lisa McDonald

Business Women Who Rock: Lisa McDonald

I’d like to share a story about a woman I met just over two years ago: Lisa McDonald. We were at a workshop together and spent some time off on our own away from the others whom we were sharing a house with. From the get-go, I noticed two distinct things about her: An...

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Do you suffer from Squirrel Complex?

I just spent the weekend with two of my girlfriends. We had a lot of fun and we talked—a lot. The more we talked, the more evident it became: My friends have Squirrel Complex. It goes something like this: Go to the pile of papers on the desk. Start looking at it. Look...

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Forget success. Achieve fulfillment.

Here’s a tough question for you: Are you settling for success instead of fulfillment?   Realizing I had achieved “empty success” hit me between the eyes. I settled for success by definition, yet yearned deep down for much more – I wanted fulfillment. Then I discovered...

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Slay obstacles with a strong mind

Last week I realized that for the last few months Self-Doubt has been my nemesis, in the background playing havoc with me. I knew it was there but I didn’t realize how much it was screwing with me. (Man alive, it was screwing with me!) I would like to say that this...

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Moms in business: You can have it all

Moms who are businessowners walk a fine line every day. “Balance” is the goal. Not always the reality. There is a school of thought out there that great business owners cannot be moms and that moms cannot be great business owners. This is bullshit. We can be and we...

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How I parent my ADHD kid

Being a mom is an amazing job that rocks and sucks. Depending on the day. Depending on the kid. Depending on me. Standing your ground when your kid is screaming at you is hard. It is even harder when it happens a lot. Like A LOT. Imagine this scenario: I was standing...

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Find the Right Business Coach For You

I am an excellent business coach, but I am not the best business coach for everyone. Hiring a coach is like dating – there has to be chemistry. I truly believe it’s about fit and how you feel with the other person. It also depends on where you are in your own life as...

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How to Speak Without Sweaty Pits

Yesterday I spent the day at a workshop where I listened to a lot of speakers. I have a new perspective on speakers now that taking the stage and owning the mic is part of my everyday life. Today, each speaker was well prepared. They were all well spoken and...

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