by Gina Best | Jun 23, 2016
Are you snapping people’s heads off? Tossing and turning when you should be deep asleep? Do you have a cold all the time? Do you have new or worsened allergies? Maybe even a nervous habit? Are you crazy busy and this is just life? Are you biting the head off of every...
by Gina Best | Jun 10, 2016
Sometimes, when we need to show up with confidence—but it’s hard when you don’t feel confident inside. It’s hard to channel a little bravado, when confidence is nowhere in sight! Before you freak out, cancel, or call in sick, tahe a deep breath, count to ten, and let...
by Gina Best | Jun 2, 2016
Are you stuck? You know the feeling: Like you’re caught in the trap of bad circumstances, bad decisions, constant failing, or—even worse—limbo. Have you fallen into a trap and given up? Is the glue in the trap holding fast? I know, it feels gross. I’ve been stuck...
by Gina Best | May 26, 2016
I’d like to share a story about a woman I met just over two years ago: Lisa McDonald. We were at a workshop together and spent some time off on our own away from the others whom we were sharing a house with. From the get-go, I noticed two distinct things about her: An...
by Gina Best | May 24, 2016
I just spent the weekend with two of my girlfriends. We had a lot of fun and we talked—a lot. The more we talked, the more evident it became: My friends have Squirrel Complex. It goes something like this: Go to the pile of papers on the desk. Start looking at it. Look...
by Gina Best | May 19, 2016
Here’s a tough question for you: Are you settling for success instead of fulfillment? Realizing I had achieved “empty success” hit me between the eyes. I settled for success by definition, yet yearned deep down for much more – I wanted fulfillment. Then I discovered...