An Interview with Lynn Howard

If you don’t know Lynn Howard, you should. She’s a leader – in her career (she runs 3 companies – HTS Alarms, Referral Institute Hawaii, and BNI Hawaii), in her community, and in her life. She wows – a lot. And I have the distinct pleasure and honor of knowing Lynn on...

How to Apologize Authentically

When my boys say “Sorry” in the flippant way that little kids do, I say to them: Say it like you mean it. Unless you know what you’re sorry for and you are actually truly sorry for it, it’s useless to apologize. Think about the last time you said you were sorry: Did...

Wrestling with Self Doubt

Have you ever had an idea or vision of yourself, then you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or in a photograph and you’re shocked? You look nothing like you thought or felt? This has been my struggle for the last few weeks. Last fall, I shave my mane of...

When You Want to Lose Your Shit, DON’T

“CALM DOWN.” I hate hearing these two words. Especially when I am about to lose my shit. I have on occasion been told that I am overreacting and am too worked up. Sound familiar? In the past (and sometimes even now, I admit) my reactions to some situations have not...

5 Ways to Turn Rejections into Motivation

First the bad news: Rejection is part of life. Always. No matter who much we want something – a job, an opportunity, a life partner ‑ sometimes it just doesn’t happen. We run scenarios in our heads, work out every detail. Sometimes, we just want it so much that we...