How to appear confident (when you’re scared shitless)

Sometimes, when we need to show up with confidence—but it’s hard when you don’t feel confident inside. It’s hard to channel a little bravado, when confidence is nowhere in sight! Before you freak out, cancel, or call in sick, tahe a deep breath, count to ten, and let...

Love your love handles

I am fat. Yes, that three-letter word: FAT. It’s a word that most people attach to a negative image. To every person, the definition varies a bit. So does their level of judgement and acceptance. In Canada, 80-90% of women don’t like their body. Think about...

Unstick yourself

Are you stuck? You know the feeling: Like you’re caught in the trap of bad circumstances, bad decisions, constant failing, or—even worse—limbo. Have you fallen into a trap and given up? Is the glue in the trap holding fast? I know, it feels gross. I’ve been stuck...

Stop waiting; start doing

“It feels dangerous to show up. But it’s not as terrifying as thinking, at the end of our lives, ‘What if I had shown up? What would have been different?'” Brené Brown This quote is with me most days. I think of it when I am waiting to start...