I have a lover…

I have a lover…

After the landscape of my body changed, one of the biggest challenges for me was getting naked. For a year, I didn’t look very closely in the mirror, I hated what I saw, and the missing piece of me was too much most days. I know some think it’s just a...
My hiatus is over

My hiatus is over

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back to work – this is after three weeks in Newfoundland and then three weeks recovering from my fifth surgery. Let me tell you, it feels so good to be back. Being in Newfoundland with my boys and family gave me a break I really...
The Key to processing Grief: Vulnerability

The Key to processing Grief: Vulnerability

The V word, I joke when I present vulnerability, my nemesis. Like in a lot of jokes, there is something true about it. It is so easy to fall back into old habits. Sometimes, when someone asks, “How are you?” Fine wants to slip out. It would be so much easier to say...
A year later

A year later

This post has been floating around in my head all week. Finally, today I was able to articulate my thoughts in words. Last weekend I presented at Mortgage Professionals Canada. It was an awesome experience. Everything. All the hard work I put in (and I put in A LOT)...
It’s in the water

It’s in the water

It’s in the water. These four words took my breath away. She typed them after telling me that she, too, had been diagnosed with breast cancer. This can’t be happening, I thought. But it was. I took a deep breath and thought about my response. All the...