The grief of letting go and saying goodbye

The grief of letting go and saying goodbye

There are many times in life when we have to let go and say goodbye. We may not even realize it. We go about our day, our lives and something is there yet we don’t know what it is. We try to keep going, we put one foot in front of the other but there is...
Is suicide a choice?

Is suicide a choice?

Last week we heard about losing Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain to suicide. Two people who’s death made it to the news; lives that tragically ended. Every day, however, many more commit suicide. In Canada 10 people a day commit suicide; in the US the number is...
Oh Change, you sneaky bastard

Oh Change, you sneaky bastard

I am sitting at the table with my 10-year-old. He is drawing, and I am writing this blog. My 13-year-old got up on the wrong side of the bed and, truthfully, I am trying not to talk to him. It is Mother’s Day, and I am struggling. It has caught me off guard. The...
The Key to processing Grief: Vulnerability

The Key to processing Grief: Vulnerability

The V word, I joke when I present vulnerability, my nemesis. Like in a lot of jokes, there is something true about it. It is so easy to fall back into old habits. Sometimes, when someone asks, “How are you?” Fine wants to slip out. It would be so much easier to say...
Grief: the Uninvited Guest

Grief: the Uninvited Guest

I am sitting on a stool in my bathroom – it’s a big one. I’ve been up most of the night with Foxie, our pug who is having puppies. We have three so far and maybe more to come. The birth got me thinking about the circle of life; what comes and goes, how for...