When do we give ourselves permission?

When do we give ourselves permission?

by | Feb 19, 2018 | Life Coaching

When do we say to ourselves, “Yes, go ahead and do it”? Have you ever had a have a fabulous opportunity in front of you, yet you don’t jump at it?

You know you want to do it; you spend time thinking about it, your gut tells you to do it, yet you don’t just say yes. It’s common to look at all the reasons we shouldn’t do something we want to do, and then we go to the “how could I want more? I have a great family, a great partner, great kids – or any combination of these.”

You are allowed to want more; you are allowed to want different. You run this show. This is your life. Jump, take the chance!

So what if you don’t have a fabulous opportunity in front of you? What if it’s on a smaller scale, in everyday life? Things like taking the afternoon off, having breakfast for dinner – you get the idea, the smaller stuff!

Do you say to yourself, “No, can’t do that, It’s wrong, I shouldn’t do that”?

One piece of advice a good friend gave me last year was no more shouldn’t. Drop that word, don’t go through life with “shouldn’t.” I have taken this advice to heart, and I don’t use the word anymore. If it starts to come out of my mouth, I catch myself.

This also comes into play in how we talk to ourselves. Do you use the words, “no, I can’t” with yourself a lot? Why? I believe it is just automatic. These are the words we have been using for years. Language is very powerful.

This week I challenge you not to use the words no, can’t, or shouldn’t. Try something different, instead of no, how about yes, or I choose not to. Think about it before you say it.

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