Being grateful when things suck

Being grateful when things suck

With Thanksgiving here, it’s a good time to talk about gratitude. It’s easy to be grateful when life is going your way. But what happens when it seems like everything is going to shit, life is throwing everything it has at you, and you don’t know...
Taking a break

Taking a break

When do you really take a break? From work, business, life, kids – all that stuff. I know sometimes it is a challenge to make it happen. I am taking a break right now; I am visiting family in Newfoundland. I am working as little as possible and spending time with my...
Emotional Triggers: What sets you off?

Emotional Triggers: What sets you off?

I’ve been giving it a lot of thought about what sets me off. My ex-to-be and I are doing divorce differently; for the most part, we get along though there are still times when he pisses me off. One of my big triggers is that he works around me. I think we have decided...
I am THAT mom

I am THAT mom

Do you ever wonder if you are missing something? I do. Sometimes when I am around a group of moms, I seem to be the standout. Not because I am the most amazing mom, the most patient or nice, but because I am not. I have my moments. For the most part, I think I am a...

How I parent my ADHD kid

Being a mom is an amazing job that rocks and sucks. Depending on the day. Depending on the kid. Depending on me. Standing your ground when your kid is screaming at you is hard. It is even harder when it happens a lot. Like A LOT. Imagine this scenario: I was standing...