No one has to take care of you

No one has to take care of you

Taking care of yourself is your job, no one else’s. I am not saying that when you need help, support or a hand that you don’t ask. I am all about asking for help when we need it, what I am saying is that it is your job to take care of you. To make sure you’re ok, to...
Shedding the old

Shedding the old

Today as I got ready at the gym, I looked in the mirror and really liked what I saw. Not just being dressed for spring in a new shirt and shoes, but I saw a different woman in the mirror. That’s me! Yes, my hair is red again and I actually have lipstick on yet it is...
Here’s to you, 2019

Here’s to you, 2019

The year is waiting to tell its story. I know for me 2019 year the story will be very different. This year is going to be amazing, filled with ups and downs, joy and sadness, and I am so excited to experience it all. For the first time in 3 years I have been able to...
Holy Shit January is almost here!

Holy Shit January is almost here!

OMG, how did that happen? Where did the time go? Are you planning for 2019? It is just over two weeks till January 1, and I am thinking – am I ready? Have I done what I needed to do? The answer right this moment the answer is no. Will I be ready? You bet! I am the...
Standing in my truth

Standing in my truth

Recently a friend said to me, “I stand in my truth.” This statement has really stuck with me. Stand in my truth. It could mean many things; for me, it means being true to myself, what I know is at my core. For me, my truths are a combination of boundaries,...