When is enough enough?

When is enough enough?

Enough seems to be an ongoing topic of conversation around me. I have heard, “I am not enough,” too much recently and it has gotten me thinking and googling. I found this definition of enough at the Merriam-Webster site: Definition of enough: occurring in...
When do we give ourselves permission?

When do we give ourselves permission?

When do we say to ourselves, “Yes, go ahead and do it”? Have you ever had a have a fabulous opportunity in front of you, yet you don’t jump at it? You know you want to do it; you spend time thinking about it, your gut tells you to do it, yet you don’t just say yes....
Whose rules are they anyway?

Whose rules are they anyway?

Have you ever put on an outfit that you looove and think “I love it,” but then the little voice kicks in, “What will people think?” and you take it off? Why? Why did you take it off? You loved it, but that little voice whispered into your ear, and you let it rule you....
Let’s have the Best Freakin’ Year Ever!

Let’s have the Best Freakin’ Year Ever!

It’s here. It’s here. It’s finally here! We can officially say 2017 is done and dusted and today we start fresh. I am so happy to be able to say that! Not that 2017 didn’t have its good points, but I am not sorry to see it go. Today we have a “blank” canvas; 2018 can...
How to say No without feeling like a schmuck

How to say No without feeling like a schmuck

December is still a few days away, but by now, you’re probably feeling the pressure of the season’s many social engagements. It’s such a busy time. The invites roll in and there are so many things to do, not just for your business, but family as well. How do you stay...